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segunda-feira, 10 de novembro de 2008

Convertendo arquivos .docx, .xlsx do Office 2007 pelo BrOffice

Distro: centOS 5.0 e Fedora Core 7

Para quem ainda não atualizou seu OpenOffice para a versão 3.0 temos ai um conversor para arquivos criados no office 2007.

Façam uma leitura na página do criador para maiores informações:

Instalação do odf-converter-integrator

Instalação da dependência:
# yum install giflib

Baixe o arquivo pelo link abaixo:
Link para download odf-converter-integrator

[root@Centos Desktop]# rpm -ivh odf-converter-integrator-0.1.5-1.i386.rpm
A preparar... ############################# [100%]
1:odf-converter-integrato##################### [100%]

* Updating MIME database in /usr/share/mime...
Wrote 518 strings at 20 - 2d80
Wrote aliases at 2d80 - 2f74
Wrote parents at 2f74 - 3984
Wrote literal globs at 3984 - 39e0
Wrote suffix globs at 39e0 - 70a8
Wrote full globs at 70a8 - 70cc
Wrote magic at 70cc - cb00
Wrote namespace list at cb00 - cb10

Instalação de fontes True Type no Linux

# wget

[root@ipa020919 Desktop]# rpm -ivh MicrosoftFonts-1-jen14.noarch.rpm
aviso: MicrosoftFonts-1-jen14.noarch.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 844c4360
A preparar... ########################################### [100%]
1:MicrosoftFonts ########################################### [100%]

Ok, agora depois de todos os pacotes necessários instalados vamos a conversão dos arquivos:

[root@ centos Desktop]# OdfConverter Documento.docx /DOCX2ODT

Essa linha converte um documento em .docx para .odt

[root@ centos Desktop]# OdfConverter
Usage: OdfConverter.exe /I PathOrFilename [/O PathOrFilename] [/BATCH-ODT] [/BATCH-DOCX] [/V] [/OPEN] [/XSLT Path] [/NOPACKAGING] [/SKIP name] [/REPORT Filename] [/LEVEL Level]
Where options are:
/I PathOrFilename Name of the file to transform (or input folder in case of batch conversion)
/O PathOrFilename Name of the output file (or output folder)
/F Replace existing file
/BATCH-ODT Do a batch conversion over every ODT file in the input folder (Note: use /F to replace existing files)
/BATCH-DOCX Do a batch conversion over every DOCX file in the input folder (Note: use /F to replace existing files)
/BATCH-ODP Do a batch conversion over every ODP file in the input folder (Note: use /F to replace existing files)
/BATCH-PPTX Do a batch conversion over every PPTX file in the input folder (Note: use /F to replace existing files)
/BATCH-ODS Do a batch conversion over every ODS file in the input folder (Note: use /F to replace existing files)
/BATCH-XLSX Do a batch conversion over every XLSX file in the input folder (Note: use /F to replace existing files)
/V Validate the result of the transformation against the schemas
/OPEN Try to open the converted files (works only for ODF->OOX, Microsoft Word required)
/XSLT Path Path to a folder containing XSLT files (must be the same as used in the lib)
/NOPACKAGING Don't package the result of the transformation into a ZIP archive (produce raw XML)
/SKIP name Skip a post-processing (provide the post-processor's name)
/REPORT Filename Name of the report file that must be generated (existing files will be replaced)
/LEVEL Level Level of reporting: 1=DEBUG, 2=INFO, 3=WARNING, 4=ERROR
/ODT2DOCX Force conversion to DOCX regardless of input file extension
/DOCX2ODT Force conversion to ODT regardless of input file extension
/ODS2XLSX Force conversion to XLSX regardless of input file extension
/XLSX2ODS Force conversion to ODS regardless of input file extension
/ODP2PPTX Force conversion to PPTX regardless of input file extension
/PPTX2ODP Force conversion to ODP regardless of input file extension

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